Street furniture

Coverage, impact and engagement with Adshel

Thanks to our presence throughout Belgium in both large cities and rural areas, we are able to offer a wide range of exclusive solutions in the streets and in the railway stations for your brand activation. When brands advertise on our bus and tram shelters or other street structures, they become part of the public social space allowing them to engage people’s thoughts and conversations while they are out shopping, commuting and socializing.

Data-driven solutions with People & Places

People & places is our range of flexible solutions enabling you to specifically target and engage a given consumer segment throughout their journey: be present at the locations where they live and shop and keep in touch during all of their commutes throughout the day.

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    If Content is King, Context is God

You can opt for a selection of 2m2 panels close to points of sale (POS) or points of interest (POI) that attract your key consumers : sites such as schools, cinemas, gyms etc. You can also select the 2m2 panels harboring the highest affinity with your target audience based on where they live, travel to, start their work day or school journey and when they come back. To additionally increase your campaign efficiency you can pick the most effective locations based on your customer journey, ensuring you continue to interact with them as they move throughout the day.

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    Interacting more efficiently with the right persons, the right time, the right place, and in the best context.

People & Places helps you focus on your preferred audience with the help of advanced profiling of your target customers based on socio-demographic criteria, consumption patterns as well as behavioral and lifestyle preferences.

The result? An optimized context, more accurate targeting with an increased visibility to effectively influence the consumers buying behavior.

Adshel 2m²

If you are looking for a medium that promises a fast brand activation with an impressive reach & repetition, then you should definitely opt for a street furniture campaign. Street furniture campaigns reach a high amount of people and puts the emphasis on the repetition factor. From big cities to rural areas, Adshel solutions are a real conversation starter for anyone on the go.